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We were treated very kindly by Sid, the weekend security guard, who has since become one of the dearest friends we've ever had and probably the kindest man I've ever known.&nbsp; He brought the freezing Americans tea, and at one point, as it grew later and later, even asked Paul to come out and say hello to us!&nbsp; Paul was quite agreeable -- but no sooner reached the door when Mrs. Mac seized upon him because "We only have 5 minutes for a tea break!"&nbsp; Ah well--thanks anyway Sid; you tried!&nbsp; As it turned out, so did we; we really did!&nbsp; in the time between 8pm and 2:30am, we encountered a number of people, among them Lulu and Maurice Gibb.&nbsp; Lulu was very sweet and kept telling us, "He'll be out soon!"&nbsp; &nbsp;Near 10, a white Corvette pulled up and out popped two long-haired gents, who settled down for a chat with "the waiters," who quite amiably gabbed away with them.&nbsp; Then at one point, we were asked had we ever seen Led Zepplin.&nbsp; "Oh yeah," says Marla, "We saw them in Cleveland,"&nbsp; "Ah, yes," says our friend.&nbsp; "I remember Cleveland!"&nbsp; Says me, "Oh yes, they were with Grand Funk!"&nbsp; And sternly, from our friend:&nbsp; "Grand Funk were with US!"&nbsp; Kris:&nbsp; "Do you mean you're you?"&nbsp; And Patti:&nbsp; "Gee, are you Led Zepplin?"&nbsp; It was indeed embarrassment!&nbsp; But I'll never forget reading a Melody Maker interview with Paul last December in which he spoke of that night at Morgan:&nbsp; "It was a crazy night! John Bonham was there....we did C'Moon."&nbsp; He should only know how crazy it was!<br /><br />It was not only musical people who approached us innocent by-standers; one crew cut fellow asked Kathy and Marla if they had any hash!&nbsp; Then there was the drunk little Polish man who told his life story, kissed Patti's "beautiful blonde hair," flung his hat to the ground in a grand emphatic gesture and declared, "Don't worry!&nbsp; I get another one tomorrow!"&nbsp; When local young people stopped to chat, they were kindly requested ot leave while we were left alone.&nbsp;<br /><br />We really had a good time but it got colder and colder.&nbsp; Poor Kathy had her frozen sandaled feet in her purse and I can honestly say I don't think I've ever been so cold.&nbsp; At 2:30, our stamina gave way; we just couldn't endure another minute!&nbsp; If we had, McCartney would've stumbled over our frozen bodies and I'm sure he wouldn't have appreciated that!&nbsp; The taxi was a very welcome sight that night!<br /><br />Sunday, September 4, 1972<br /><br />This day, our last full day in London, and Wings' last day at Morgan, was, typically, "one of those days."&nbsp; &nbsp;As usual, we were late because of feeding our faces, but who would've thought Mr. Mac would turn up on time?&nbsp; He got there at 2:30 and we arrived at 3.&nbsp; Ah well, all was not lost; even if we missed him, our little friend, Jane, hadn't, though after what she told us we'd missed, it's a good thin the River Thames was immediately handy!&nbsp; Apparently, Paul and run down the street and jumped over her little brother who was riding his tricycle.&nbsp; He then patted them both on the head, and said "Good Morning."&nbsp; Jane did an imitation of the famous McCartney run which was priceless and made us just sick!&nbsp; The one thing we'd wanted to see -- McCartney run -- and we'd missed it!<br /><br />We settled ourselves down by the "left side" to wait, giggling as Jane "ran" up and down the street munching disconsolately on potato chips which "Right" kept helping himself to between trips to the truck.&nbsp; About 5, we were given advance warning that their dinner was ready and out they popped.&nbsp; Pau greeted as with his cheery, "Hi group!" and bopped on across the street.&nbsp; He was wearing tan pants and a red and white striped t-shirt, looking, as usual, very well!!&nbsp; &nbsp;They were gone only half an hour or so, but when they came back, our attention was focused on Patti who was tumbling all over the sidewalk trying on Jane's clogs, since Jane had taken off with her shoes!&nbsp; We laughed even harder when we saw McCartney and Patti narrowly missed knocking into him (he was carrying a Coke and a glass of milk).&nbsp; Poor girl!&nbsp; I don't' think she's recovered yet from that embarrassing moment!&nbsp; However, at the time, Paul was more concerned with a problem of his own, which really broke us up -- they were locked out of the studio!&nbsp; We couldn't get over it:&nbsp; Paul McCartney locked out of his own studio!&nbsp; He just stood there, milk and Coke in hand, looking as though he were thinking, "Oh God, why is this happening to me?"&nbsp; While someone ran off to hunt up the key, we assured them that WE hadn't done it!&nbsp; At one point, I looked at McCartney, realizing, I guess, that it'd be the last time I'd see him, and for just a second, his glance met mine.&nbsp; That gives you the weirdest feeling...<br /><br />At this time we noticed that there seemed to be a funny kind of atmosphere; no one was talking to each other and the other members of the group appeared to be a bit uncomfortable.&nbsp; Then someone returned with the key and they went on it.<br /><br />It was a tough decision to make, but we decided if things weren't going too well, it might be better for us to leave.&nbsp; Neither Paul nor Linda had looked too happy when they'd gone in, though we were just guessing as far as that went.&nbsp; But, as I would always say, better safe than sorry, and we big good ole Morgan a fond adieu, after taking the last batch of pictures by the Lamborghini.&nbsp; Gee, Paul, you'll never forget the picture you took of the five of us by your car!&nbsp; Neither will we!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />


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